Wondrous and Perilous

From the wildly successful Kickstarter!

Wondrous and Perilous Treasures, volume 2 brings you 110 new, completely unique magical items ranging from the simple and elegant to the crafty, cursed, and twisted.

Many magical items include a micro-story to set the stage, inspire, or give the GM the prompt they need to get an adventure going on those dry days. Additionally, this volume includes five story plots centered around a magical item in the book, perfect for jump-starting your game or providing a side-quest.

From marvelous and wondrous to twisted and cursed, you'll find a diverse array of magical items: weapons, armor, wands, potions, garments, bedrolls, carts, and other miscellaneous items—even magical furniture and items for animals. This collection is designed to breathe new life into your tabletop games, adding excitement and intrigue to every session.

Release date: April 2024.

ISBN: Hardcover: 978-1-988746-28-9 Paperback: 978-1-988746-27-2, PDF: 978-1-988746-26-5

Buy for Old School Essentials, B/X, 1e, 2e

Buy for Fifth Edition Fantasy, compatible with 5e

Take a quick peak at the unique new items in Volume 2!

Kite Shield of the Wind

As the half-orc warrior and the gnome thief ran for the edge of the cliff, the thief glanced over their shoulder nervously.

“I hate to ask, but do you have a plan? They’re gaining on us.”

The warrior nodded and raised his shield arm, his huge shield casting a menacing shadow over the two of them. “We jump and use the kite shield.”

“What? It’s not an actual kite, you know? Tell me you’re joking.”

The warrior grabbed the small thief by their belt and leapt.

They say the gnome was never quite right after that.

  • Kite Shield of the Wind

    Warrior - Medium

    • Perfect fit. When in the hands of a new owner, this kite shield will resize itself to be a perfect size for them.

    • Formidable. The shield grants you a +2 to AC.

    • Protective winds. Three times per day, you can create swirling winds that makes you and those within 5 feet of you harder to hit (+2 to AC). Saving throws versus wands and breath weapon (Dexterity) are also at a +2 for you and those within 5 feet. This lasts for 4 rounds.

    • Glide, baby, glide. Once per day, you can use the shield as a magical glider. It can hold up to 600 lbs. Depending on the winds (as determined by the GM), you can fly 30 feet forward per round for every 10 feet of altitude you lose. This lasts for up to 10 minutes before triggering a Feather Fall spell-effect. At that point, the shield becomes a shield again and you fall at a safe rate of five feet per round for up to 20 rounds. You can cancel the effect at any time.

  • Kite Shield of the Wind

    Shield - Very Rare - Requires attunement

    • Perfect fit. Upon attunement, the shield magically resizes to be the perfect fit for you..

    • Formidable. The shield grants you a +2 to AC.

    • Protective winds. Three times per long rest, as an action, you can create swirling winds around you. For the next 1 minute, these winds provide you and any allies within 5 feet a +2 bonus to AC and advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

    • Glide, baby, glide. Once per long rest, as an action, you can use the shield to glide, supporting up to 600 lbs. Glide at a speed of 30 feet per round for every 10 feet of altitude lost. This ability lasts up to 10 minutes, after which a Feather Fall spell is automatically triggered for a safe landing. The spell lasts up to 10 minutes.

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