Adam’s Blog
Reviews of gaming stuff, what I’m writing, and the adventure of being a dad, author, and troublemaker.
5 Things I learned in putting together my 1st Kickstarter
Embark on a journey with me as I launch my very first Kickstarter for "Wondrous & Perilous Treasures Volume 1." After battling anxiety and depression, and facing the daunting task of creating a new book after a five-year hiatus, I was uncertain if I could handle the pressure of a Kickstarter campaign. Yet, with the support of a passionate community and countless hours of dedication, I saw my project come to life.
Picking an OSR system to build upon
If you’ve been following me on Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok, you’ll know that I’ve been working on my first supplement for Old School Essentials (tm) and other OSR systems. It’s going to be the first in a line of books called Wondrous & Perilous(tm). Along the way, I’ve been reading a lot of different systems over the past 3 years (a few given a quick review below) as I try to find a system I really like or one that’s close enough to what I need for the world books I’m working on to come to life in the way that I want. What systems am I leaning towards?
Active on Tiktok and Instagram
Just a quick mention to say I’m active on Instagram AND I have put out my first Tiktok video.
I’m figuring a few segments/themes out. The first is Writer Mentor Moment.
Review of PX1 Basic Psionics Handbook
First, a nod
Yes, I’m making it a habit to thank those who have the determination to take an idea and bring it to life. Whether you’re releasing material as an indie author, or building up a new gaming company with others, it takes a LOT to get it out into the world. Thanks again to everyone, like the author of this material, for their contributions to the community.
Review of Old School Feats
First, a Nod to Fellow Indie Authors
While it is easy to criticize works put forward by others, just having the steely will to sit down and take something from an idea to putting it out there takes tremendous strength. As an indie author myself, and soon to be releasing my own gaming materials in addition to the 12 books I’ve indie published, I know what it takes. So before going any further, hats off to folks like Eric Diaz for putting forward material in the genuine spirit of making our gaming experiences better.
Review - Castles & Crusades - Castle Keepers Guide
Previously I reviewed the C&C Player’s Handbook, and now it’s the Game Master’s (aka Castle Keeper’s) turn, and therefore let’s look at the Castle Keepers Guide. Is this Open Gaming License variant of 3e Dungeons and Dragons worthy of delving into? Does the CKG clinch it for me? Well, find out! [Update, there’s a few additional pieces I’ve added after many more months of reading other systems and going back to this! - Feb 11, 2023]
Review - Castles & Crusades - Player's Handbook
Setting the Stage
I’ve heard about Castles and Crusades for years, in the background, whispers and rumours, but never run into anyone who actually played it. Before the holidays, I was at my local gaming store ( Sentry Box ) and was going through the RPG content on their massive wall of gaming books. My eldest son was with me, watching what I was looking at, hoping to find a hint of what dad might like as a gift.
Upcoming RPG Book Reviews
The Passion - The Purpose
Over the past year and a half, I’ve been working on a new book series (at a pace that a tech startup allows) and working on an RPG supplement to accompany it. Along the way, I’ve also done some gaming with my kids, introducing them to the classic Dungeons and Dragons via the Rules Cyclopedia for a BECMI (Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, Immortals) flavour vs the 5e they are used to.
Tackling anxiety and sharing my latest projects
It would be easy to just point at the tech startup (Sparrow Connected) that I’m the CTO for and say that THAT is the reason you haven’t heard from me. The reason why since around September 2018 I have been rather quiet and have only managed to publish one book (5 Critical Things), but it wouldn’t be completely true. More importantly, it wouldn’t be true about the most important part.
CalgaryExpo 2019
CalgaryExpo 2019
Once again, it’s that time of year! I’m back and this time, I’ll have pre-release copies of my latest book 5 Critical Things For Successful Book Signings! as well as all of The Wizard Killer, The Yellow Hoods, the Man of Cloud 9, and The King’s Horse!
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